About 20 braids worth per 1/2 pound.
0 = Weeds, European grasses
A = Amsinckia
AG = Agriculture
B = native Bunchgrasses
BB = Baby Blue eyes
BRO = Brodiaea
COR = Coreposis
ET = Elymus triticoides
G = Goldfields
H = native Hordeum grass
L = Lupines
LAY = Layia
LO = Lomatium
ML = Miner's lettuce
MUHL = Muhlenbergia grass
OC = Owls clover
P = California poppies
PHA = Phacelia
RS = roadsides
SC= Stipa cernua
SS = Shooting stars
TOF = native chocolate Paeony (three ovary flower)
V= Yellow native violet
YBP = native Yellow Bush plant
Post miles, Hwy 58, going east, start in town of Santa Margarita:
2 = A @ RS
3 = MULH
4 = A is common
5 = 0 - oaks
6 = 0 - chamise at pass
7 = 0 - Junction 229
8 = 0 - chamise, Chia, BRO, ML, TOF very rare in 1-2 year old
burned chamise, YBP.
9 = 0
10 = 0 - bridge
11 = 0 - Pinus sabiniana
12 = A, G, L, SS valley
13 = 0 - chamise
14 = A, B, L.
15 = A, B, B-Poa, SS
16 = BRO, G, L.
17 = A, L, P
18 = Junction La Panza road, awesome BB, G-10 acres.
19 = A, L
20 = A, P, pines
21 = Junction Shell Creek road, BB, G, Lay
22 = A, B-Poa
23 = A, BB, P
24 = A, L. COR starts
25 = A, G
26 = A, G
27 = 0 - oaks
28 = 0 - oaks
29 = A, BB, COR, G
30 = A, G, P
31 = A, COR, PHA starts, SC
32 = A, COR, G
33 = A, G
34 = A, COR, G
35 = A, G-acres of it
36 = A, juniper
37 = A, L, junipers
38 = A, COR, L
39 = Junction Bitterwater road, AG, A, PHA
40 = 0 - AG
41 = A, AG, PHA
42 = A, AG, PHA
43 = A, AG
44 = A, AG
45 = Junction Soda Lake Road, A, AG
46 = A, AG, PHA
47 = A, COR
48 = A, COR
49 = A, right angle bend in road
50 = A
51 = A - cow chewed
52 = A - cow chewed
53 = 0 - tumbleweeds
54 = A - cow chewed
55 = Junction Seven mile Road, A, COR
56 = COR solid
57 = A
1 = A, G. PHA
3 = A, PHA
4 = A, PHA
5 = SOLID A, B, SC
6 = A, PHA, first OC
7 = A, B, OC, Locoweed first seen
8 = A, cow chewed
9 = Locoweed, PHA
10 = Locoweed, cow chewed
11 = A, cow chewed
12 = A, cow chewed
13 = A, B, cow chewed
14 = A, shrubs, cow chewed
15 = 0, shrubs, cow chewed
15.20 = 0 - Junction Hwy 33, Near town of McKittrick, California
in Kern County.
See other Dremann Wildflower adventures, 2003,
2009 and 2010