The Reveg Edge research
Box 361, Redwood City, CA. 94064
(650) 325-7333 Craig C. Dremann, co-owner.

USFS Region 2 Native Grass Genetic Gels

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This following gel shows the gel fingerprint from several species and forests from throughout R2 - Gel Series 99-01


Gel #..species...........Source..T/R/S.....INER# ..Elev. Location

1. ------Blank------------------------
2. Artemisia frigida ......PP ....-- .......1947...9,400 Pike's Peak Highway
3. Bistorta bistortoides...PP ....-- .......1948..12,900 Devil's playground
4. Muhlen. montana.........PP ....-- .......1959...8,960 Crow Gulch picnic area
5. Poa fendleriana.........PP ....-- .......1960..11,800 Elk park
6. ------Blank------------------------
7. Elymus canadensis ......PP ..13S/68W/22..1955...7,740 Toll Gate
8. Elymus canadensis ......PP .....-- ......1952...8,960 Pike's Peak Highway
9. ------Blank------------------------
10. Bromus ciliatus.....GMUG-13.13S/86W/24..1961...9,800 CBMR
11. Bromus ciliatus.....GMUG-11.48N/5E/2....1999...9,120 Monarch Pass
12. Bromus ciliatus.....GMUG-22.50N/3E/19 ..1963...9,080 Alder Creek
13. Bromus ciliatus.....P-SI-31.50N/6E/-....1964...9,520 E. of Monarch Pass
14. Bromus ciliatus.....PP- .......-- ..... 1949..10,900 Ski area
15. Bromus ciliatus...Routt-12..1N/83W/3....1965...9.080 --
16. Bromus ciliatus...Routt-28.12N/86W/15 ..1966...7,500 Brush Creek
17. ------Blank------------------------
18. Bromus inermis.....GMUG-35.51N/1E/26....1967...8,720 Almont
19. Bromus inermis.....SJ-32...39N/11W/31...1968...8,200 --
20. ------Blank------------------------
21. Bromus lanatipes...RG-14...38N/3E/19....1969...9,200 --
22. Bromus lanatipes...SJ-34...39N/14W/36...1970...7,400 --
23. Bromus lanatipes...SJ-33...41N/10W/33...1971...9,400 --
24. ------Blank------------------------
25. Bromus polyanthus GMUG-21..13S/86W/25...1972...9,720 CBMR
26. Bromus polyanthus GMUG-36..13S/86W/25...1973...9,800 CBMR
27. ------Blank------------------------
28. Bromus "polyanthus" WR -17.....--.......1975...9,400 --
29. ------Blank------------------------
30. Bromus porteri....GMUG-15..13S/86W/24...1998a..9,600 Gold Link Ski
31. Bromus porteri....GMUG-16..14S/85W/14...1977..10,400 Cement Creek
32. Bromus porteri....M-R-24........--......1978...8,732 --
33. Bromus porteri....P-SI-26..50N/9E/4.....1979...9,000 Longs Gulch
34. Bromus "porteri" Routt-18..12N/86W/15...1980...7,500 Brush Creek
35. ------Blank------------------------

The Reveg Edge, Box 609, Redwood City, CA. 94064 - R2 Forest gels - Gel Series 99-01


Gel #..species...........Source..T/R/S.....INER# ..Elev. Location

36. ------Blank------------------------
37. Bromus-"Mtn".....M-R-20........--.......1981...8,600 --
38. Bromus-"Mtn".....M-R-19....26N/73W/15...1982...8,100 Cow Creek Mtn.
39. ------Blank------------------------
40. Bromus-Nod-porteri A-R-27...7N/75W/27...1983..10,000
41. Bromus-Nodding...GMUG-29...13S/86W/24...1984...9,650 CBMR
42. Bromus-Nodding...GMUG-23...46N/5W/18....1985..10,640 Alpine Plateau
43. Bromus-Nodding...GMUG-30...49N/5.5W/13..1986...9,600 Coral Gulch
44. Bromus-Nod-ciliatus WR-25.......--......1987...9,200 --
45. ------Blank------------------------
46. Festuca arizonica AVSC-10.......--......1988...6,420 --
47. Festuca arizonica GMUG-9...47N/1E/12....1989...9,220 Bead Creek
48. ------Blank------------------------
49. Festuca thurberi..A-R-1.....7S/75W/27...1990..10,000 Kenosha Pass
50. Festuca thurberi..GMUG-4...13S/86W/24...1998...9,600 Gold Link Ski
51. Festuca thurberi..GMUG-7...13S/86W/13...1992...9,620 Snograss Mtn.
52. Festuca thurberi..GMUG-6...14S/85W/14...1993..10,400 Cement creek
53. Festuca thurberi..M-R-2.........--......1994...8,800 --
54. Festuca thurberi..RG-3.....38N/3E/19....1995...9,080 --
55. Festuca thurberi..Routt-5...1N/83W/3....1996...8,900 --
56. Festuca thurberi..WR-8..........--......1997...9,200 --
57. ------Blank-----------------------

Gay Austin, Angelique Petterson and Jeff Hovermale cooperated to organize these USFS R2 native grass genetic gels. Thanks to the following for collecting the seed for these tests:

Gay Austin (GMUG), Charlie Bradshaw (Medicine-Bow/Routt), Curry Caputo (Routt), Dave Bradford (GMUG), Dean Erhard (Rio Grande), Jeff Hovermale and professional collection support (Pike's Peak), Kathleen Phelps (White River), Kathy Darrow (GMUG), Leslie Stewart (San Juan), Monica Mellaci (Pike/San Isabel), S. Clarke (GMUG), S. Parker (GMUG), S. Thompson (GMUG), Vinny Rossignol (GMUG), and Wendy Haas (Routt).


These show the relationships of four populations of Festuca from Gunnison NF:
(left to right):
58. Festuca thurberi.. elev. 9,720 ft. Sawtooth Mtn.
57. Festuca thurberi.. elev. 9,000 ft. Brush creek.
56. Festuca thurberi.. elev. 9,920 ft. Crested Butte.
55. Festuca arizonica. elev. 9,720 ft. Sawtooth Mtn.

See the 1999 survey for USFS and other public lands managers: "What are the top ten most persistent exotics that were intentionally planted?"

Updated December 20, 2022 - Go to The Reveg Edge website