Weed maps of the Top-10-Worst
intentionally planted Persistent Exotics,

from a survey of 13 Federal land managers in the Western United States in 1995.
Maps copyright © 1998 by Craig Dremann, co-owner of the Reveg Edge,
P.O. BOX 361, Redwood City, CA. 94064 (650) 325-7333
This is a supplement to Craig's Juicy Native Grass Gossip Research No. 6
"Weeds & Persistent Exotics on Public Lands"

The maps are arranged by the combined votes of the land managers, and within each map the numbers indicate what ranking each manager gave for that species on their list of the top 10 worst intentionally planted persistent exotic plants.

weed map weed map
No. 1. Orchardgrass...................................No. 2. Timothy

weed map weed map
No. 3 . Smooth Brome............................No. 4. Intermediate wheatgrass

weed map weed map
No. 5. Hard or sheep fescue..................No. 6. Crested wheatgrass

weed map weed map
No. 7. Perennial and annual ryegrass...........No. 8. Sweet clovers

weed map weed map
No. 9. Pubescent wheatgrass......................No. 10. Tall fescue "Alta"

Updated December 24, 2022 - The Reveg Edge Ecological Restoration service