Abundance 4 - common
Sporobolus airoides = alkali sacaton
Abundance 3 - frequent
Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi = Nealley's purple three-awn
Abundance 2 - infrequent
Aristida divaricata = poverty three-awn
Dasyochloa pulchella = fluffgrass
Lappula occidentalis = desert stickseed
Lepidium alyssoides var. angustifolia = narrow-leaf pepperweed
Machaeranthera pinnatifida var. pinnatifida = spiny golden aster
Pleuraphis mutica = tobosa
Scleropogon brevifolius = burrograss
Sphaeralcea angustifolia = narrow-leaf globe-mallow
Thymophylla acerosa = spiny dogweed
Abundance 1 = scarce
Allionia incarnata = trailing four-o'clock
Asclepias subverticillata = whorled milkweed
Atriplex canescens = four-wing saltbush
Bahia absinthifolia = hairyseed bahia
Baileya multiradiata = desert marigold
Bothriochloa barbinodis = cane bluestem
Brickellia eupatorioides var chlorolepis = false boneset
Chaetopappa ericoides = heath aster
Chamaesyce sp = spurge
Cirsium ochrocentrum = Santa Fe thistle
Eragrostis lehmanniana = Lehmann's lovegrass
Erodium cicutarium = stork's bill
Gutierrezia sarothrae = broom snakeweed
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia = Tahoka daisy
Muhlenbergia porteri = bush muhly
Nerisyrenia camporum = bi-colored mustard
Opuntia could be polyacantha or phaeacantha = prickly pear
Opuntia macrocentra = purple pricklypear
Psilostrophe tagetina = paper flower
Salsola tragus = Russian thistle
Senecio flaccidus = threadleaf groundsel
Setaria leucopila = plains bristlegrass
Solanum elaeagnifolium = silver-leaf nightshade
Other species seen nearby on 22 Dec 2003 were:
Artemisia filifolia = sand sagebrush
Baccharis pteronioides = yerba de pasmo
Bouteloua curtipendula = sideoats grama
Bouteloua gracilis = blue grama
Flourensia cernua = American tarbush
Larrea tridentata = creosotebush
Sporobolus flexuosos = mesa dropseed
Yucca elata = soaptree yucca
Updated December 24, 2022 - The Reveg Edge Ecological Restoration service