1. AESTHETICS - Aesthetically pleasing natives?
2. AESTHETICS - What natives are the most attractive and how to
3. ALLELOPATHY - Allelopathy?
4. ANNUAL NATIVES - What do we do with annuals ? Can they be reseed
themselves, or must we reseed ?
5. APPLICATION - Application methods. Who does it? How?
6. APPLICATION - Methods for applying seed/revegetating steep
7. APPLICATION - Site preparation?
8. APPLICATION - Specification requirements?
9. APPLICATION - Various techniques for planting(drilling, hydroseeding...etc.)?
10. ASSOCIATIONS - Successful native plant associations (direct
11. AVAILABILITY - Availability of container plants and seed?
12. AVAILABILITY - How can we get better availability of native
material for projects?
13. AVAILABILITY - Which natives are available?
14. BENEFITS - Benefits of natives versus ornamentals?
15. BULK SEED - How do you get local seed in bulk, other than
hand harvesting from wild stands?
16. CLIMATE - Minimum/maximum climatic, soil... etc.?
17. CLIMATE ZONES - What fescue (or other grass) can be used for
what climate (coast, etc.)?
18. CLIMATE ZONES - What natives work best by climate type, etc.?
19. COASTAL SAGE - Are there native species that could revegetate
and stabilize the eroding sandstone roadcuts along the Toll Roads
and not create more CSS habitat?
20. COASTAL SAGE - Can you direct seed Coastal Sage Scrub?
21. COASTAL SAGE - Coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat restoration?
22. COASTAL SAGE - Coastal Scrub "cut slope" restoration?
23. COASTAL SAGE - CSS "cut slope" restoration?
24. COASTAL SAGE - Suggestions of successful native species in
coastal sage scrub?
25. COLLECTION - Collection from project sites if project lead
time is sufficient?
26. COLLECTION - Methods and timing of seed collection and storage
information of viable seed?
27. COMPETITION - Natives in the above environments that are most
successful at out competing exotics during the establishment period
(and beyond)?
28. CONTAINER STOCK - Use of container stock vs. hydroseeding
in restoration
29. COSTS - Cost effectiveness using natives (long-term success
of good natives)?
30. COSTS - Costs of natives?
31. COSTS - How much money can Caltrans save using native vegetation
not dependent on irrigation?
32. COSTS - What are comparative costs ? Especially the long term
maintenance costs ?
33. COSTS - What is the cost analysis of planting out container
stock vs. hydroseeding?
34. DESERT NATIVES - In the desert, should we just leave the area
alone if we don't disturb the roots of the plants, to let them
come back on their own, or do we have to do some seeding?
35. DESERT REVEG - Planning considerations in semi-arid and arid
36. DESERT SPECIES - What desert natives could be used around
desert Roadside Rest Areas?
37. DESERT SPECIES - What is the best seed mix for upper and lower
desert areas?
38. DESERT TRANSPLANTING - Can Joshua trees, Mojave yuccas, and
other large perennials be successfully transplanted?
39. DROUGHT-RESISTANT - Drought resistant native plants?
40. ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION - How do we measure critical ecological
function/success criteria?
41. EROSION - Ability of various natives to control erosion?
42. EROSION CONTROL - Absent a mandate, which is more important:
erosion control or native revegetation?
43. EROSION CONTROL - Controlling erosion until natives do establish?
44. EROSION CONTROL - Erosion Control and Revegetation? How/what/which
can we expect to do well?
45. EROSION CONTROL - Erosion Control vs. Revegetation?
46. EROSION CONTROL - Establishing native cover sufficient to
provide erosion control
47. EROSION CONTROL - Revegetation/erosion control strategies
for short (2 month) projects?
48. EROSION CONTROL - Strategies revegetating while assuring first
winter erosion control?
49. EROSION CONTROL - Will native grasses control erosion well?
50. ESTABLISHMENT - And what to do in the mean time while we are
waiting to get good bunchgrass cover?
51. ESTABLISHMENT - Are there any non-natives that don't reproduce
that could hold things in place while the natives are getting
52. ESTABLISHMENT - Establishing natives on disturbed soils?
53. ESTABLISHMENT - Establishment period?
54. ESTABLISHMENT - How long does it take to get a good bunch
grass cover?
55. ESTABLISHMENT - Once grass seeds planted, what need be done
to get them established?
56. ESTABLISHMENT - Plant establishment regimes - mowing, de-thatching,
57. ESTABLISHMENT - Practices to enhance establishment and maintenance
of natives?
58. ESTABLISHMENT - Roadsides are harsh, disturbed, often compacted
environs. How do you establish natives in these conditions?
59. ESTABLISHMENT -What's the best step-my-step method to get
natives established?
60. EVALUATIONS - What are good indicator species to evaluate
a restoration site (invertebrates, plants, other animals, etc.)?
61. EXAMPLES - Do you have sources for excellent "before"
and "after" native landscaping ?
62. EXOTICS - Are non-natives ever appropriate (when?)?
63. EXOTICS - Are non-natives from Arizona, Nevada, etc. BETTER
THAN overseas aliens.
64. EXOTICS - Are some alien species now considered better than
recent aliens (i.e. fountain grass)
65. EXOTICS - Can you get rid of Yellow star thistle without burning
or herbicides, with only a change in maintenance practices?
66. EXOTICS - Control of invasive species at mitigation sites
after grading?
67. EXOTICS - French broom - how to remove it and replant where
it has been?
68. EXOTICS - How will introduced native species affect the surrounding
plant community?
69. EXOTICS - Is there a compromise between native - non-native
? Come on tell the truth.
70. EXOTICS - Reducing the non-native seed bank from the planting
71. EXOTICS - What's wrong with non-native wildflowers?
72. FERTILIZER - Compost vs synthetic fertilizer on grass/wildflower
73. FERTILIZER - Planting without fertilizer?
74. FERTILIZER --artificial vs natural? Advantages/ disadvantages?
75. FERTILIZERS - Organic vs. inorganic?
76. FIRE - Fire control required of Maintenance and how it relates
to CT native habitat areas?
77. FIRE-RESISTANT - Fire resistant natives?
78. FLAMMABILITY - Low liability natives...easy to keep alive
and not highly flammable?
79. FOOD PLANTS - Don't plant tasty (to deer) natives in the median
of the road?
80. FOOD PLANTS - Should roadside planting not include foods plants
of the Mojave ground squirrel or the Desert tortoise food plants,
so that they are not attracted or brought close to the road?
81. FOOD PLANTS LIST - Is there a list of Mojave Ground squirrel
and Desert Tortoise food plants that could be made available to
Caltrans, so that those species don't accidentally get planted
along the roadsides?
82. FORBS & SHRUBS - Use of forbs and shrubs combined with
grass? How many seeds per sq. ft.?
83. FREEZING - Freeze resistant natives?
84. GENETICS - Gene pool-should it be local stock?
85. GOAL - What is a realistic goal for percent cover for different
native plant communities? CSS, Riparian, etc.
86. GOALS - What is short and long term goals when using California
87. GROUND COVER - Which native ground covers do you recommend
(to replace ice plant and ivy)?
88. HABITAT - Detailed explanation of why landscape maintenance
is not habitat creation?
89. HARDINESS - What natives tend to be hardier and can tolerate
a Right of Way environment?
90. HERBICIDES - Are herbicides useful/necessary to establish
native grasses and forbs?
91. HERBICIDES - Can natives be established and maintained without
92. HERBICIDES - Seed germination with and without herbicides?
93. HYDROSEED - "Duff" vs. hydroseeding? Which is best
for erosion control vs. reveg.?
94. HYDROSEEDING - How much damage do you do? How to get a uniform
95. HYDROSEEDING - Hydroseeding?
96. HYDROSEEDING - Is it cost effective to hydroseed non irrigated
mixtures during summer months?
97. HYDROSEEDING - Is it possible to re-establish vanished native
species plants by hydroseed in roadside cuts and fills?
98. HYDROSEEDING - Re-establishment of native plants by hydroseed
in road cuts?
99. HYDROSEEDING - What are the advantages for using Pure Live
Seed as opposed to bulk seeds in non irrigated hydroseed mixtures?
100. HYDROSEEDING - What is the best application method of hydroseeding
slopes steeper than 2:1
101. HYDROSEEDING - Would hydroseeding be useful for control of
102. INVASIVE - Non-invasive natives?
103. IRRIGATION - How do you establish natives without permanent
104. IRRIGATION - Irrigation duration needed for different natives?
105. IRRIGATION - Planting without irrigation?
106. IRRIGATION - Should include some irrigation?
107. IRRIGATION - Where best can we use non-irrigated plantings?
108. LOCAL ECOTYPES - Must we really use seeds from our immediate
area ?
109. LOCAL ECOTYPES - Will locally adapted varieties be used or
110. LOCALLY COLLECTED SEED - How do you get locally collected
seed for projects?
111. LOW GROWING - Low growth height natives?
112. LOW GROWING. - Low growth height native plants.
113. MAINTENANCE - Cost effective/low maintenance treatments?
114. MAINTENANCE - How does Maintenance go about getting a project
started and who has to fund it?
115. MAINTENANCE - Maintenance activities required for success?
116. MAINTENANCE - Maintenance requirements for native grasses?
117. MAINTENANCE - Species that require the most care to succeed?
118. MAINTENANCE - What is the mow height and frequency for native
119. MAINTENANCE - What it would take to make natives survive
in CT right of way under normal maintenance conditions?
120. MAINTENANCE - What kind of management is required after the
project is established?
121. MAINTENANCE - What would it take to make natives survive
in CT R/W under normal maintenance conditions?
122. MAINTENANCE -How CT Maintenance might change their practices
to allow a higher survival rate for natives?
123. MANAGEMENT - Long term management?-success of native grasses
without fire or mowing?
124. METHODS - San Bernardino mountains and foothills species
revegetation--methods, species mixes, seeding, soil specifications,
125. MIXES - Is there a key to help us determine what mix to use
126. MIXES - Low growing mixes for roadside to reduce maintenance/safety
127. MIXES - Mixes for dry, exposed hillsides?
128. MIXES - Mixes for grassy swales?
129. MIXES - What are some native grass mixes that work and where
best to use them?
130. MIXES - What grasses mixes work best when no irrigation is
131. MONITORING - Monitoring methods?
132. MONITORING - Monitoring?
133. MOWING - Can we manage our roadside vegetation with less
than three mowing passes?
134. MOWING - Can we manage the roadsides to keep or encourage
the wildflowers and native grasses?
135. MOWING - Is there a way to manage our roadside vegetation
by modifying our mowing timing or mower height?
136. MYCHORIZAE - Does it really make a difference to use mychorizae
inoculant with non irrigated hydroseed mixtures?
137. MYCHORIZAE - Does it really make a difference to use mychorizae
inoculant with non-irrigated hydroseed mixtures?
138. MYCHORIZAE - When/when not to use MYCHORIZAE?
139. MYCORHIZAE - How to specify particular mycorrhizae for specific
native species.
140. MYCORHIZAE - Is Mycorhizal inoculation of natives necessary?
141. MYCORHIZAE - Is mycorrhizae inoculation worth the added expense?
142. MYCORHIZAE - Mycorhizal fungi - how to encourage it?
143. MYCORHIZAE - Soil mycorrhizae?
144. MYCORHIZAE - Use of mychorizae inoculant with non irrigated
145. NATIVE AMERICA INVOLVEMENT - Can we coordinate with Native
American consultant to plant resource species (e.g. basketry materials)?
146. NATIVE AMERICAN UTILIZATION - Will certain species cause
safety issues by encouraging roadside collecting in inappropriate
147. NATURAL RESEEDING - Discussion about natural re-seeding process
and how to give it a jump-start or ensure success?
148. NUMBER OF SPECIES - How do you determine how many species
of natives should be used at a site?
149. OAKS - Acorn planting tips?
150. PERENNIALS - Perennial vs. annual?
151. PERENNIALS - Perennials vs. annuals?
152. PLANT INSITU LOCATIONS - Identification of locations for
various natives?
153. PLANTING SEASON - Optimum planting seasons?
154. PREP - What kind of preparation needs to be done for non-irrigated
155. PREP. - Site preparation for native plants.
156. PREP. - Site preparation/weed control-adequately addressing
compaction and stabilization?
157. PROPAGATION - Successful propagation?
158. QUANTITIES - Obtaining timely and sufficient quantities for
freeway construction?
159. RELICT NATIVES - Are there methods to determine which native
species formerly grew in now abandoned farmland?
160. REPLACING EXOTIC ORNAMENTALS - How could natives be used
to replace Eucalyptus and Oleander?
161. RESEEDING - Self-reseeding natives?
162. SCARIFICATION - Should we be specifying scarification of
some native seed species and how do we tell our contractor to
do the procedure.
163. SEED - Pure live seed vs. bulk seed?
164. SEED - Seed selection and availability?
165. SEED - What is the best way to specify native seed. Purity,
Germ, PLS ?
166. SEED AVAILABLE - Availability of seeds?
167. SEED ISSUES - Pure live seed vs. bulk seed?
168. SEED MIXES - What are the criteria for seed mixtures?
169. SEED SOURCE - Seed source purity
170. SEED TRANSFER ZONES - Thoughts on seed transfer guidelines
for natives How far should we move seed (forbs and shrubs)?
171. SEED TREATMENT - Successful scarification of lupine and other
172. SEEDING - Discussion of seeding methods, quantities to use?
173. SEEDING - Drill seeding vs broadcasting?
174. SEEDING - For roadside revegetation, how many seeds per square
foot should one calculate?
175. SEEDING - Success rate of natives when planted as seed?
176. SEEDING - With direct seeding, is there any way to get better
than 1/2 of 1% survival if you don't irrigate?
177. SEEDING RATE - For erosion control, how many seeds per sq.
ft. should be used.
178. SEEDING RATE - How do we determine viable and appropriate
179. SEEDING RATES - Application rates of various seeds?
180. SEEDING RATES - Optimal seed application rates?
181. SERPENTINE SEED SOURCES - Do we need to collect native seeds
from plants growing on serpentine soils when we try to revegetate
serpentine roadcuts and slides?
182. SERPENTINE SEED SOURCES - Is a native plant growing on serpentine
genetically different than the same species of native growing
nearby on another soil type?
183. SERPENTINE SOILS - Serpentine cut seed mixes?
184. SHRUBS - The use of water resistant shrubs along our ROW:
species, etc.?
185. SHRUBS - What native shrubs work best in plantings and in
what habitats do they work best?
186. SOIL - Soil evaluation/amendments?
187. SOIL - Soil requirements/duff?
188. SOURCES - Selecting appropriate native sources (Closest genetic
source/ecotype possible)? (see>>common garden study)
189. SOURCES COMMERCIAL - We usually use Pacific Coast Seed.
190. SPECIES CHOICE - How to choose the specific natives for a
191. SPECIES LIST - Appropriate grass/wildflower mixes for the
Bay Area ?
192. SPECIES LIST - Best native grass species selection for mitigation
193. SPECIES LIST - Determining appropriate species for project
site; type of species and source of material?
194. SPECIES LIST - Fast growing native varieties for various
195. SPECIES LIST - List of species for use in our district?
196. SPECIES LIST - Natives most suitable for use in CT right
of way?
197. SPECIES LIST - Natives suitable for urban landscaping, like
around Los Angeles?
198. SPECIES LIST - Plant list selection criteria.
199. SPECIES LIST - Species selection for mitigation sites within
coastal areas within the fog zone?
200. SPECIES LIST - Species selection for mitigation sites within
transitional area between riparian/wetland and upland?
201. SPECIES LIST - Species selection?
202. SPECIES LIST - What type of native can be used for slope
protect on semi rocky soils?
203. SPECIES LIST - What type of tree and shrubs should be used
for mitigation in unlandscaped areas?
204. SPECIES LIST -Suggestions for successful native grasses for
reveg efforts?
205. SPECIES LIST -Suggestions of drought resistant natives in
southern California?
206. STERILE CEREALS - Sterile cereal grain seed mix vs. non-sterile
207. STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL - Are there natives that could
be used for stormwater pollution control?
208. STRAW MULCH - Wheat/barley straw vs native grass straw?
209. SUCCESS - Methods and practices to increase/ensure chances
of revegetation success in a desert environment, especially when
no irrigation is used?
210. SUCCESS - Requirements for successful growth?
211. SUCCESSES - Examples of success/failure (and why?)?
212. SUCCESSES - S. California examples of success/failure (and
213. SUCCESSFUL NATIVES - Highly successful species?
214. SUCCESSFUL NATIVES - Natives most suitable for use in CT
215. SUCCESSFUL SPECIES - Species recommendations in relation
to present conditions?
216. TACIFIER - Use of tacifier vs mulch? -- Advantages/ disadvantages?
217. TREES - Especially what NATIVE TREES can we use?
218. WEEDINESS - Species invasiveness?
219. WEEDS - Are there natives that could help control weeds along
220. WEEDS - Can native plants on roadsides choke-out invasive
221. WEEDS - How do natives compete in an area surrounded by noxious
222. WEEDS - If native communities are being invaded by roadside
noxious weeds, what steps can be taken?
223. WEEDS - Noxious / invasive weed reduction (star thistle,
Bermuda grass, etc.)?
224. WEEDS - To out-compete noxious weeds, should sowing rates
of desirable natives be adjusted?
225. WEEDY LOOK.-How do you avoid that "weedy look"
with natives?
226. WHY - Why use native vegetation?
227. WILDFLOWER - How do you create a self-perpetuating wildflower
228. WILDLIFE - Should right of way function as wildlife habitat?