& Research
Indian Hedge Mustard
Ooopps...there Goes Another
North American Ecosystem, or Will
the Mojave Desert and the Sonoran Desert, along with the native
vegetation of four National Parks, disappear within our lifetime?
The Desert Exotic Invasive
Mustards or "Dude,
where's my Desert Ecosystem?" or "Did you want Mustard
on that desert ecosystem?" or "Got Mustard?"
or the
"No Mustards Left Behind" program
Edited, published and text
and photos are Copyright © 2005 by Craig Dremann of The Reveg
Edge (sm). P.O. Box 609, Redwood City, Cal. 94064. Phone
(650) 325-7333 email
The URL of this issue is:
- No. 17- April-July, 2005
Index of all the Juicy Gossips at
EXOTIC INVASIVE MUSTARD No. 3, Indian Hedge Mustard
There's a third exotic mustard that is just now forming solid
stands along Caltrans (California Dept. of Transportation) roadsides
in the Mojave, with the potential to get firmly established in
new FHWA highway construction, like along Cal. 58 in Kern County.
About an acre along the new construction of Cal. Hwy. 58
at PM 12.00 on the north side, SISYMBRIUM ORIENTALE or the INDIAN
HEDGE MUSTARD, and there's many miles already established along
the roadsides of US 395, from Kramer Junction (Cal. 58 junction),
north to the ghost town of Johannesburg.
This species is poised to take advantage of the Caltrans
and Federal Highway Administration's funded widening of Highway
58, from Kramer Junction to the town of Mojave. After construction,
there has been no replanting of the local native desert plants
along the roadsides, leaving miles of roadsides and medians of
Highway 58 as one huge bare area, just ready for an exotic plant
to colonize.
A third exotic mustard, SISYMBRIUM
ORIENTALE or Indian Hedge Mustard, about one acre at PM 12 of
Cal. Hwy 58 San Bernardino Co., getting established within the
new Caltrans right-of-way, after construction, probably from contaminated
straw used for erosion control.
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