Hank's Native grass genetic gels 4/2002

2 Bromus carinatus Willits
3 Bromus carinatus 02312 Cert 00-WC-1538 2000 MCRA #5 d, Lot 1, Gen G2
4 Deschapsia elongata 1997 - 5 pounds propagated yellow tag
5 Elymus glaucus 13 oz bag propagated entire yield, severe fungus/rust
6 Elymus glaucus BWR 7/20/97 NW corner
7 Festuca idahoensis 1997 NW corner

Craig Dremann, The Reveg Edge, Box 361,
Redwood City, CA 94064 - (650) 325-7333

Updated December 22, 2022 - The Reveg Edge website