Agenda items requested by the participants:
Last updated July 25, 2001
1: Planting Seasons
2: Planting Clean-up crops ahead of the native planting
3: Measurement of success
4: Rodent Control
5: When is transplanting preferable to seeding?
6: Is irrigation absolutely necessary?
7: How can we help natives overcome existing weed seed banks?
8: What site preparation methods should we use?
9: Should we use mycorrhizal inoculum?
10: What seeding density works best under various conditions?
11: How should we manage sites after seeding?
12: Can some disturbances revegetate without our intervention?
13: When is a seed source close enough to be considered local?
14: Should we try to replicate natural plant communities?
15: What do you think about restoring microbiotic crusts in
conjunction with native seed plantings or in place of vascular
plants for erosion control? (Dr. Jayne Belnap has done quite
bit of work with microbiotic crusts in the Great Basin and has
a protocol for
reintroducing them.)
16: Seed storage
17: Seed germination
18: Best sizes to transplant(best success)
19: What is considered successful germ/transplant?
20: Best way to produce more seed from collected (i.e. setting up nursery?!)
21: Importance of Mycorrhizae
22: How and when to collect seed and the length of viability, storage etc. and what considerations needed when collecting such as soil type, location etc.?
23: Amount of seed needed to ensure successful and sustainable population.
24: Successful combination of seed in mix. (what types work well together)
25: Is any maintenance needed once plants come up?
26: Which grasses can effectively work where?
27: General information about effects of fire and how to use it to encourage natives
28: Planting native shrubs by seed
29: Are there certain planting techniques that work better than others such as hand, broadcast, seed drill?
30: Collection of local seed materials, when, how, storage,
31: Site preparation...micro-topography, scarification, burning, herbicides
32: Commercial vs. Propagation on site...growing our own
33: How to deal with non-native grasses/forbs..competition from other natives
34: Timing of seedings
35: Large scale vs. small scale seedings or plantings
36: To irrigate or not......
37: Inter-seeding once established
38: Monitoring for success
39: Follow-up management....burning, grazing, protection, disturbance