Why...........1: Why use native vegetation?
Associations..2: Successful native plant associations (direct seeding)?
Choke out.....3: Can native plants on roadsides choke-out invasive weeds?
Climates......4: What fescue (or other grass) can be used for what climate (coast,etc)?
Drought.......5: Drought resistant native plants?
Erosion.......6: Will native grasses control erosion well?
Establish.....7: Roadsides are harsh, disturbed, often compacted environs. How do you establish natives in these conditions?
Establish.....8: Plant establishment regimes - mowing, de-thatching, etc.?
Fire..........9: Fire resistant natives?
Freeze.......10: Freeze resistant natives?
Ground cover.11: Which native ground covers do you recommend (to replace ice plant and ivy)?
Height.......12: Low growth height natives?
Herbicides...13: Seed germination with and without herbicides?
Invasive.....14: Non-invasive natives?
Irrigation...15: How do you establish natives without permanent irrigation?
Low growing..16: Low growth height native plants.
Maintenance..17: Maintenance requirements for native grasses?
Money........18: How much money can Caltrans save using native vegetation not dependent on irrigation?
Non-native...19: What's wrong with non-native wildflowers?
Preparation..20: Site preparation for native plants.
Reseeding....21: Self-reseeding natives?
Self-perpet..22: How do you create a self-perpetuating wildflower field?
Weeds........23: Noxious / invasive weed reduction (star thistle, Bermuda grass, etc.)?
Weedy look...24: How do you avoid that "weedy look" with natives?
Updated December 20, 2022 - Go to The Reveg Edge website