AGENDA items requested by the participants (arranged
in order of date received):
Last updated March 14, 2000
1: What desert natives could be used around desert Roadside Rest
2: What are the advantages for using Pure Live Seed as opposed to bulk seeds in non irrigated hydroseed mixtures?
3: For roadside revegetation, how many seeds per square foot should one calculate?
4: What would be the best application method for hydroseeding slopes steeper than 1:2?
5: Is it cost effective to hydroseed non irrigated mixtures during summer months?
6: Does it really make a difference to use mychorizae inoculant with non irrigated hydroseed mixtures?
7: Is it possible to re-establish vanished native species plants by hydroseed in roadisde cuts and fills?
8: What it would take to make natives survive in CT right of way under normal maintenance conditions?
9: How CT Maintenance might change their practices to allow a higher survival rate for natives?
10: Natives most suitable for use in CT right of way?
11: Low liability natives...easy to keep alive and not highly flammable?
12: Fire control required of Maint.and how it relates to CT native habitat areas?
13: Suggestions of successful native species in coastal sage scrub?
14: Suggestions of drought resistant natives in southern California?
15: Suggestions for successful native grasses for reveg efforts?
16: Pure live seed vs. bulk seed?
17: Erosion Conrol vs. Revegetation?
18: What is short and long term goals when using california natives?
19: List of species for use in our district?
20: Availability of container plants and seed?
21: What is the best way to specify native seed. Purity, Germ, PLS ?
22: Is mycorrhizae innoculation worth the added expense?
23: How to specify paticular mycorrhizae for specific native species.
24: What is a realistic goal for percent cover for different native plant communities? CSS, Riparian, etc.
25: Should we be specifing scarification of some native seed species and how do we tell our contractor to do the procedure.
26: S. California examples of success/failure (and why?)
27: Coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat restoration?
28: Optimal seed application rates?
29: CSS "cut slope" restoration?
30: Planning considerations in semi-arid and arid landscapes?
31: Use of container stock vs. hydroseeding in restoration
32: Seed source purity
33: Plant list selection criteria.