Free Seeds for Kids offered by
Redwood City Seed Company,

Box 361, Redwood City, California 94064
(650) 325-7333

Our complete seed list is on the web at >>>

Parents, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents! When you place your seed order ...and if there are any young gardeners in the family, we can send each of them two free packets of seeds for their garden.

Have them write out their seed request themselves on a separate sheet of paper, and have each of them paper clip or staple two unused first class postage stamps to their request, if you are writing from the USA, to cover postage costs, and send their free seed request along with your seed order.

When sending in requests from outside of the USA, or calling your order in by phone, just add $1 per child for airmail postage costs to USA, Canada and Mexico. Outside of those countries, please add $2 per request.

Please note --We will not send certain seeds to kids , like tobacco seeds or seeds of very hot peppers.

Also note: This offer is not for non-parent or guardian entities, like schools, community gardens, etc. The purpose of this offer, is to help the elders of the family and children work together in the garden. For the purpose of this offer, teenagers are included in the definition of a "child" and is anyone under 18 years old.

Big families are welcome, and there is no limit, and we encourage grandparents or great grandparents, and aunts or uncles, to help their grandchildren and nieces and nephews, to get these free seeds for their gardens.

FORM to fill out here

Updated March 9, 2023