Sweetgrass (Hierochloe) populations
as possible North American Indian village sites and trade routes.
Redwood City Seed Company, P.O. Box 361, Redwood
City, CA 94064 USA
Craig & Sue Dremann, co-owners (650) 325-7333
Text accopanying images is copyright © 2009 by Craig Dremann
Images and Hierochloe plant specimen data copyright and
generated by the Colorado State Herbarium collection webpage
and map images copyright by Google Earth.

Hierochloe specimens, from Colorado State herbarium, and

Specimen data of Hierochloe collections in herbarium at
Colorado State.

Location in 1898 in Conejos County, with the location of the collection
on a Googel Earth map, where US 285 crosses the Conejos River
at Lat. 37.1012, Long -106.0067, Elevation 7,799 ft.

Updated April 30, 2016. Back to Sweetgrass
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